RADIO & Soft page




When I have written a part of given article I understood that the illumination of the information on separated directions of a theme is impossible to me. In this connexion the information will be general. This theme will be illuminated in other publications. I advise to radioamateurs to use wider personal computer with the purpose of replacement of equipment such as, controllers, filters, digital tape recorders and various Options for transceivers. I assure you, the computer has these possibilities.

The analysis of development of designing modern radioamateur transceivers of known firms Icom, Yeasu, Kenwood and others, results in a conclusion, that has a place the tendency of increasing use of digital methods of processing of a signal on low-frequency signals and signals of intermediate frequency (today up to IF up to 22 kHc). The similar approach is traditional, as in the field of high-quality record and reproduction of a sound this method is practically sole. By realization of the increasing frequencies of processing of the information in processor sphere near is realization of a practical design of devices without application of analog engineering. It is confirmed by the theory dr. Kotelnikov about reflection of wave analog processes by discrete digital meanings. Already there are designs, in which the most part of functions is carried out by the computer. It is the professional receiver of firm Icom IC-PCR1000, having quite good characteristics. In radioamateur practice it is the transceiver issued by firm "Kachina" under the name "505DSP Computer Controlled Transceiver", which consists from simplified transceiver not having neither bodies of management, nor display and usual computer equipped with the advanced hardware interface of communication with transceiver. In this design of function DSP, reflection of frequency, style, management of switching by ranges and others is carried out by the computer. This design is very interesting, it summarizes many (but not all) achievement in the field of the managing programs of an amateur radio communication. During last years the radioamateurs created many programs having the widest functional spectrum.

It is possible to include in the review of functions of software of radioamateur communication:

·        The analysis and adjustment of through channels reception and transmitting of pathes transceiver with a very high degree of accuracy and minimal application of additional physical devices. The given system is realized by the author for adjustment of professional and amateur engineering and can partially replace expensive professional complexes such as: HP 8590 or PSA-65B.

·        Realization of functions DSP: Noise Redaction, ANF (suppression interfering carrying in a strip of reception).

·        NB (suppression of a pulse handicap).

·        Digital dynamic compression of a signal

·        Digital filters with a controlled passband and absolute rectangular form.

·        Management of all functions transceiver from the keyboard or manipulators of various types (for example elementary valcoder)

·        Direct (On Line) and Packet Gate access in Internet for reception of the information from DX Clater. The received information logically contacts with electronic Log by reflection of the information on ranges in formats DXCC, WAS, WAZ and etc.

·        Fast scanning frequencies received from DX Claster for real audibility anonsed DX.

·        Emulation of all kinds of digital communication: RTTY, PACTOR, SSTV, Packet 300/1200/9600 including organization BBS and Gate (sluices), CW (TX/RX), PSK.

·        System of the panoramic view of a range of given width.

·        Reflections on the screen oscillation of analog signals, AFH of through channels of receivers both transmitters and multichannel digital oscillation.

·        Functions of the digital tape recorder in modes: record and reproduction.

The realization of the greater part of the listed functions is possible under condition of application ADC/DAC, sound payment, being a part, of the computer - Sound Blaster (further SB).

It is necessary to stop on the description of functions and structure Sound Blaster's, since the opportunity of realization of the described programs depends on it. It consists of several separate devices used in various combinations and modes:

·        ADC/DAC with the maximal frequency digitazaiton of a signal 44100 Hz and resolution on amplitude of 16 bits.

·        Multiplex - switch of a direction of a signal inside SB.

·        Wave Synth - synthesizer of wave processes.

·        Complete duplex entering and leaving of signals.

·        Devices MIDI (are used for musical synthesis).

The management of all devices SB is shown in system of machine teams similar processor. Post Fact the standard on system of teams recognizes development of firm Creative. Last time the most part let out SB uses this system of teams. At choice SB it is necessary to be guided by selection SB, adequate to these requirements. Otherwise most part of the described software will not work. Practically most suitable is AWE-64 of firm Creative on the bus ISA. It is necessary to pay attention to the recommendation for use SB of the certain type in the description on each of the programs.

There is a number of the recommendations on operation of a board SB Creative AWE-64.

·        On a board SB there are two swish MIC and CON, that means, accordingly, switching in mode of operations with dynamic or electret by microphones. I recommend to establish the switch in a rule MIC. It will prevent strongest throws on microphone of a circuit at inclusion of a microphone in connector since the constant voltage given on electret a microphone is removed. In practice are frequents the cases of an output of board out of operation for the named reason.

·        It is desirable an input and output of a low-frequency signal to untie small by AF transformers equipped with a shielding winding, with the purpose of protection SB against an output it out of operation.

One of the basic themes of given article is the description of the interface for connection transceiver to the computer through which the greatest quantity of functions of management and reception of the data from transceiver is realized. I want at once to be stipulated, that the radioamateurs having self-made transceiver or firm transceiver of old types, must not lose heart, since the most part of opportunities of processing of a signal and the managements transceiver remain for them accessible. The requirements to the interface the transceiver-computer can be formulated in the following items:

·        Management of inclusion on transfer PTT.

·        Management of manipulation CW.

·        The management FSK RTTY (deviation of frequency of transfer RTTY and Packet) is direct in transceiver.

·        Transfer of a audio-frequency signal to the computer.

·        Transfer of a audio-frequency signal from the computer in transceiver.

·        The interface Remote Control (CI-V for Icom) and usual RS-232 for other types transceiver.

·        Maximal electric an outcome the transceiver-computer reducing opportunity of failure first and second.

·        The circuit of the Interface of management PTT, CW and FSK

The circuit of the Interface of management PTT, CW and FSK

The interface operates PTT, CW and FSK transceiver. In the given circuit these outputs correspond to inputs transceiver Icom-746. It does not impose any specification on use with other types transceiver. Signals should be sent on the inputs appropriate to each of types of transceiver.

The input and output AF transceiver is more preferable for using directly from the demodulator of a signal and directly on the modulator. The similar circuit deliver you from additional distortions AFC of a path transceiver and allow all installations of levels of a signal in all programs to rest always constant and independent from a rule of bodies of management of loudness.






















JVCom 32






























In the table there are the names of pins of socket RS-232 which used for management of the appropriate kinds of manipulation transceivers of all types.

These pins are set in adjusting parameters of programs, therefore in the given are included more preferable installations for unification of work of the interface. It is necessary to take into account that factor, that many programs at work CW at first include PTT and in time of a delay (installed in some programs by user) signal CW. The similar delay has the purpose:

·        To protect contacts antenna relay from switching with presence HF/VHF of a signal.

·        To protect transistors from an overload during the work without loading at the moment of switching from reception on transfer.

·        To prevent contraction of sending of DOT and DASH.

·        To work without superfluous manipulations reception / transfer at installation the long delay on PTT.


The circuit of the interface is the simplified analogue CI-V (Communication Interface Five), used by firms Icom (Interface CT-17) and Motorola (Programing RIB). The interface is the circuit reducing lines of transfer and reception of the socket RS-232 in bidirectional line. The advantages of the interface are obvious - there is extraordinary simple inclusion of transceiver-computer and transceiver-transceiver. In this case it is possible to connect two transceivers or transceiver-receiver by a usual two-wire line. In this tandem any devices become simultaneously both conducted, and conducting. Rotating the handle of adjustment of one of devices you change synchronously frequency of second. Change of mode (CW, USB, LSB and etc.) one of devices is caused the change on another. One can use more devices that two, including the computer, and the algorithm of management can be very flexible. The circuit is simplified on a level of a signal, therefore at unreliable work try to replace port. At failure of work and in the latter case, it is necessary to apply the circuit of the interface with -5 and + 12V.

To management transceiver of other types are applied more simple system Remote Control - three wire (or 5 wire, including signals of readiness DTR and RTS) by a principle RS-232 with use of transfer given from logic signals RX and TX of the computer and transceiver.

It is necessary to watch, that the speeds of an exchange of port RS-232 in the program and menu transceiver coincide. They can be situated in limits from 1200 up to 56000 baud using format 8-N-1 (2). At non-observance of this condition, exchange of the data the transceiver-computer is impossible, and programs using Remote Control, will not work.

Yeasu - released FT-747GX at 90-th years, the firm applies the built - in interface of transformation of levels for connecting to the computer. Before such models as FT 990 required connection of the external interface of a type FIF-232C CAT System Interface.

Kenwood - last models TS-570 and TS-870 have the built - in interface RS-232 for connection to the computer. Models 450, 950 and 850 need purchase of the interface.

In given clause the circuits of external interfaces for transceivers of last two named types are not resulted since the author had not by them to be engaged. For the experienced users this problem will not make the large work since the essence of the interface makes usual transformation of a level from TTL in a level + -12V of a socket RS-232 (direction transceiver - computer) and TTL - > + - 12V (direction the computer -transceiver). The circuit decisions of this problem can be found in a plenty of the editions devoted to digital engineering.

The application of the interface which is carrying out Remote Control transceiver, has many advantages, which can be characterized briefly in the following items:

·        Automatic record in an electronic Log of frequency and mode.

·        Automatic scanning DX of frequencies on search on an own grid or available in Log'e.

·        Automatic scanning of frequencies received from DX Claster.

·        Management of frequency and style transceiver from the computer from the keyboard or additional valcoder.

·        Contest work in a network several transceiver in a mode multy-multy/single and operative installation by the coordinator to one or several operators of frequency received from DX Claster'a or from the operator, working on search.

·        The additional control of reception CW (basic reception, is especial in conditions QRM, is always carried out by the operator).

·        Operative access and control of frequencies 5/10 cells of fast memory and frequencies Split.

·        Programming and automatic switching of a style on various sites of a range.


The review of the software is carried out according to the recommendations described in the beginning of clause. The programs have a wide functional spectrum and use various physical devices of the computer. It is important for knowing to define opportunities of the computer and to represent, that can give use of those or other software. The brief descriptions and recommendations for application are given only on small quantity of the programs which have seemed to the author of clause interesting or useful.

TR-Log - Program of an electronic magazine for Contest.

The address of the author: Larry Tyree N6TR/7 tree

About the program:

One of the most popular programs, is especial among the radioamateurs working in Contest, in spite of the fact that works under operational system DOS. Has the built - in electronic key, is perfectly adapted to adjustment under a plenty of conditions various Contest'îâ, requires(demands) only aperture on the keyboard of the signal correspondent (all other exchange makes from function keys), enables flexibly to program CW of the message and, that is very important for simultaneous work of the several operators, works in a network through so-called zero - modem (port RS-232). Unfortunately requires input of a range and style manually. Well processes Log for the report on competitions in a textual mode. The Interface of management " is necessary only " for its work.

From lacks - the manipulator - on parallel port and with additional resistors is inconveniently connected external CW. I disassembled this program, have found of the reference to ports and I can recommend simple modernization of the program - translation of connection CW of the manipulator for port joistic, is similar to the program CWTYPE of the author UA9OSV, described below. The replacement is made in anyone of HEX the editor in any of the versions of the program. The modernized program was by me tested in Contest and any deviations(rejections) from normal work was not noticed.

·         To find a sequence byte - 40 8B D0 EC 24 10 3C 10 (contact DOT)

·         To replace it) on - BA 01 02 EC 24 E0 3C E0

·         To find a sequence byte - 40 8B D0 EC 24 20 3C 20 (contact DASH)

·         To replace her on - BA 01 02 EC 24 D0 3C D0

The circuit of connection CW of the manipulator for the modernized program TR Log and key CWTYPE UA9OSV.

Log EQF - Program of an electronic magazine with set of the previous versions.

The program can be taken on

The address of the author: n3eqf

Works under operational system DOS. Has the built - in electronic key, can be adjusted on work with a wide spectrum of various kinds òðàíñèâåðîâ. Reflects frequency and style in the screen, very much îãðàíè÷åííî is able to operate òðàíñèâåðîì. Is slow in a mode of transfer CW - requires several unnecessary pressing of function keys. The additional utility Post well will transform textual formats of a magazine, but the transformation to formats used Windows Log'àìè does not support. By many is used on a habit, since there are programs in environment Windows, working more completely.

YPLog - Program of an electronic magazine. The author VE6YP.

The program is possible is to taken by

Works in environment Windows. A very convenient electronic magazine for usual (not Contest) work. Can be adjusted on work with a wide spectrum of various kinds transceiver. Reflects frequency and style in the screen, very well is able to operate transceiver from the keyboard and maus. Operatively gives the information on entered signal on repetition, work with the given country on all ranges, manager, concrete address, name and ïð. And from connected CD Rom or database. Conducts a magazine in a modern universal format ADIF, converts a magazine in other formats Export and Import. Has the perfect analysis of a magazine under the diplomas with a conclusion in a file or Print. Has the built - in interface of an output(exit) on DX Claster through batch AX-25 Gate. Very precisely ïðåäåëÿåò the country, zone CQ and ITU on a widely distributed database DXCC areaok1rr.tbl, updated monthly on site at the author

TRX-Manager - Log and program of management transceiver.

The author of the program Laurent Labourie (F6DEX)

The unique program with set of opportunities. Separate clause is required to describe all. Shortly: the perfect interface of management transceiver and reflection of his condition. Electronic Log in the advanced format Microsoft ACCESS, allowing to the user to edit it in environment Office "to connect" it to other databases (for example to create a file QSL Manager's and to connect it with Log) and to convert in any formats. ON Line and Packet Gate of access in DX Claster c by the subsequent automatic processing of the received data according to Log. An opportunity of scanning of frequencies received from DX Claster. Reflection of a panorama of a range with any width. An opportunity of start in environment of the program of other programs (for example of filters DSP, digital packages RTTY, SSTV, CW Kay and others of Log). Record and reproduction AF of signals in a digital format.

Demo the version

DSP Blaster - program which is carrying out functions, similar DSP transceiver.

The author Brian Beezley, K6STI k6sti

The program carries out not only all functions standard DSP:

·        Noise Redaction (noise bluncer) with very thin adjustment in three strips of a speech spectrum of frequencies.

·        ANF or suppression interfering carrying in a band of reception.

·        Change of a passband of the digital filter from 50 Hz up to 3000 Hz with any strip and step 50 Hz.

·        Change of frequencies of the filter from above and from below on any of frequencies of the specified range.

·        Built - in SQELCH c by a wide range of adjustment.

·        AGC with changeable speed.

·        Very wide range of adjustments of levels entrance and target of signals.

The author of clause compared qualities of the program with built - in in Icom 746 DSP on reception and on transfer and has come to opinion, that DSP Blaster in some cases it is more preferable than first. The program is written in language of the assembler and works under Windows in a mode of emulation DOS, but it does not belittle its advantages.


The author

The program consists of two parts: the program of transfer CWTIPE and program of reception CWGET.

By the one who has not built - in transceiver of a key and is going it to get or to collect it, I urgently recommend at first to try this program. Except for standard and it is enough flexible ìàêðîñîâ of transfer of the prepared messages, the program has unique feature - function of the manipulator are loaded ðåçèäåíòíî and at transition to work in environment of any other program CW the manipulator does not cease to work. The effect constantly included and similar built - in of an automatic key is created. The second convenience is the connection of the manipulator on port Joistic, as a rule always free. Can work with a programmed delay PTT/CW, about which advantages was told above. The circuit of connection is given in the description on TR Log.

The program is freely distributed also her it is possible to take on ñàéòå from the author

A lot of good it is possible to tell and about other programs, such as

·        RITTY of the author K6STI, is doubtless by best in a line of the programs RTTY;

·        JVCom32 and CHROMAPIX of the programs of reception and transfer SSTV;

·        MIXW32 of the universal program, which distinguishes an opportunity of work by protocol AX25 with speed 300 bps/with (through SB) author UT2UZ of

The radioamateurs can successfully use the programs itself Windows.

For example, before to get the built - in digital tape recorder, you can try simple operation - to write down in WAV (sound file of wave structure) the signal and general call and to transfer by their pressing of one key. If to ask any radioamateur how many sometimes of hundreds time to it to have to repeat signal in powerful PILE UP'e or general call in Contest … I think the answer there will be one - MUCH.

Write down and textual file with expansion *.bat the following:

·        trx _ on.exe; start of the program of inclusion PTT

·        start /w /m sndrec32.exe /play /close cq.wav; the program of reproduction of a sound file

·        trx _ off.exe; start of the program of deenergizing PTT

Such programs can be much and to differ they will be names of started files *.wav, and to cause this or that you can from convenient for you ìàêðî of the programs given Windows. The programs trx _ on and off everyone can write on the mathematical programming language, accessible to it. And as a last resort to receive on ñàéòå of the author of clause TRX _ ON and TRX _ OFF TRX_ON & TRX_OFF

It is necessary to take into account, that the programs are written ONLY for management PTT through port COM1.

73's Roman RU3UJ

PS: Excuse for my bad English language.